Jumana Manna: A Magical Substance Flows Into Me

Jumana Manna: A Magical Substance Flows Into Me Worlding publication entity: E73 Information Object

Class E73 Information Object is used here to model a publication such as a book that is the subject of discussion during an education course or contains information about an exhibition. The scope note of E73 Information Object requires objectively recognizable items and does not allow for intertextual openness, for example fluxus spatial poems. The scope note could be extended to include concepts of story-telling simply by including next to "jokes, texts, etc." the term "stories" and including next to "human memory", the term "story-telling". This would make the scope note more inclusive in terms of indigenous story-telling traditions. Publications are modelled as instances of ‘E73 Information Object’ in the context of being discussed in an educational course and elsewhere. This is limiting the capacity of the publication in relation to reception which should be modelled as a separate instance of E7 Activity.

Jumana Manna: A Magical Substance Flows Into Me (appellation in English) Worlding appellation entity: E41 Appellation

Class E41 Appellation is used here to model names of things including places and people. The scope note of E41 Appellation explains that names are not considered as meaningful but as conventions. A name is used by convention even if there is a meaning attached to it. It is possible that names mentioned in the WPC database also hold a meaning which is significant for the thing they refer to as part of its identity. If this is the case, then this class and content type cannot capture that meaning.

Jumana Manna: A Magical Substance Flows Into Me
publication production
Publication production (1728)
Fri, 03/31/2017 - 00:00 - Sat, 05/27/2017 - 00:00
not before
not after
Publication type
exhibition catalogs